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Outdoor exhibition in Hôtel Dieu in Paris

Studio BOLOZ

Outdoor exhibition in Hôtel Dieu in Paris

Shadow sculpture in Forum Gdansk, Poland

Studio BOLOZ

Shadow sculpture in the gardens of Forum Gdansk

Intersections in Eindhoven

Studio BOLOZ

Intersections in Eindhoven

Artistic Playground in Warsaw

Studio BOLOZ

Artistic Playground in Warsaw

Temporary outdoor installation in Copenhagen

Studio BOLOZ

Outdoor installation in Copenhagen

Play Scultpture „The Spill”

Studio BOLOZ

Play Scultpture „The Spill”

„Relax in Lodz“ outdoor bench in Lodz, Poland

Studio BOLOZ

„Relax in Lodz“ outdoor bench in Lodz, Poland

Outdoor exhibition in Hôtel Dieu in Paris

Studio BOLOZ

Outdoor exhibition in Hôtel Dieu in Paris

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